You know Jesus? Me too!
Nice Bible!
Would you like to pray with me?
I think heaven must be missing an angel.
Feel like sharing some loaves and fishes?
What would Jesus mean do?
A week ago today I attended a Christian rock concert in New Town with my boyfriend Joe. The bands were Kutlass, Disciple, and Stellar Kart. We were running late - we usually are - and only made it about 20 minutes before the last set, which was Kutlass. I've fell out of touch with Christian rock since high school, but it was a high energy, entertaining concert nonetheless. As we walked in, a guy was on the stage delivering a salvation message to the couple hundred spectators. It was surprisingly relevant and attention getting, I felt. Still, I couldn't help being distracted by the two men standing to my immediate left. As I mentioned, Joe and I walked in late so we were standing near the back taking in all the surroundings before moving to the stage area.
Now I will try my pen at two character sketches. So far the characters involved are me, boyfriend Joe, relevant preacher dude, and about 400-500 spectators. But forget about all of us for a moment. My friends to the left stank of alcohol and cigarettes. Their pungent aroma an immediate clue that they were not of the regular Christian rock crowd. Both were Native American, one with short buzz-cut hair and the other sporting a long pony tail. This one wore dark shades that were a cross between aviators and plastic-rimmed '80s shades. He also wore a floor-length dark trench coat. I am no longer certain it was leather but at the time I thought so. The side-kick (buzz-cut guy) simply wore a faded gray sweat-shirt. I think our anti-hero had enough bad-ass-ness for the two of them together.
Side-kick immediately noticed me sizing them up. "Too late!" I remember thinking to myself as I quickly glanced away. Side-kick moves one side-step closer to me. I cringe as his raunchy breath hisses into my ear, "Heerstuthba prangles drockness." "Sorry, I can't understand you," I said. He repeats himself. I repeat myself. Twice. Finally, "He's the prince of darkness. Yeah, he's been the prince of darkness since 1975."
I look at the Prince of Darkness himself. He smiles a sinister smile and I think actually winks at me, though I can't be sure. He was wearing shades, after all. I may have smiled back. I may have waved. I should have gotten his autograph. Who was the prince of darkness in 1974? I should have asked. PD did ask me several questions. One of which was, "why would Jesus want to have his concert at a casino?" And by Jesus, PD meant three Christian rock bands. "Not sure...enjoy the show though," I said and made a bee-line for the restrooms.
Later I met back up with Joe. I started to ask "hey, did you see--" "The prince of darkness?" Joe finished. "Yeah, I hope those guys just leave. They were pretty drunk," he said. I smiled again when I thought of PD's side kick. Imagine that guy's let-down when he finally figures it out. I kinda feel sorry for him - when this gig is over what will side-kick use as a new pick up line?
"Hello, I am the prince of darkness. Yeah, I've been the prince of darkness since 2010."